D.SH Global Phone Licence Agreement
01/05/2020 ( Download PDF )


Before reading the articles below, please take good notice of the following preliminary terms, which terms make use of some of the definitions as specified in Article below:
Entering into this Agreement: This End User License Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreement between D.SH Global Phone and You, as a user, for the use of the D.SH Global Phone Services. By using the services, the customer accepts this agreement, and must take steps to remain informed of possible updates to this agreement.

1. Service Description

1.1 D.SH Global Phone ( telecommunications RESELLER ) agrees to provide services to BUSSINES AND INDIVIDUAL CLIENTS ("B2B and B2C) with telephone lines utilizing VOIP routes and all neded connections.

1.2 D.SH Global Phone will do the best that these telephone lines and connections will be reliable and operate stably.

1.3 D.SH Global Phone will not be responsible for calls that are not connected because of D.SH Global Phone partners not pass them for any reason ( technical, regulatory etc )

1.4 D.SH Global Phone as a bridge and reseller between VOIP providers and clients, can pass and connect only calls that VOIP providers ( D.SH Global Phone partners ) allows to be connected between their routes.

2. Restrictions

2.1 In no event shall D.SH Global Phone be liable for the fraudulent or illegal use of the Services by Partners or end-users of Partners.

2.2 Service provider, in no event is not liable for CLI ( caller line identification ). This is end users responsibility as part of this agreement.

2.3 Client take responsibility if transferring any illegal material or engage in unlawful activities via use of the Services.

2.4 Client take responsibility if doing offensive, defamatory, obscene, indecent calls while using the Services.

2.5 Client take responsibility if the usage of the Services is in a manner that is inconsistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations.

2.6 Client take responsibility if the use of the Services will infringe any third party property or other rights.

3. Technical Support

3.1 D.SH Global Phone shall organize and provide technical support and assistance to the Service User in case of any service outages or technical issues.

4. Cancellation and Termination

4.1 D.SH Global requires a notice of at least 7 days in advance to cancel the services same as The Service User must provide a notice of 7 days in advance if it wishes to terminate the services.

4.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the provider and client.